January 2, 2011

The simple things

Christmas break is coming to a fast end.  Lunch boxes are packed (saves me a lot of time and sanity in the morning) and snow clothes are in backpacks all ready for the early morning tomorrow.  That two weeks sure went fast, but as I look at it closely, we sure crammed a lot into that time.  Safe driving to all of you tomorrow on the cold, dark morning.

We are such an outdoor family, but we have recently discovered a new family favorite indoor activity that has helped us during these cold days:  playing cards.  Such a simple and cheap game that has entertained our family for hours.  Every night, we gather around the dinner table and play a round of War, Go Fish or Old Maid.  The best part, some mornings, when the kids would wake up before us (pure joy!), they would stay in their rooms playing cards together.  Heavenly!!

2011 is a going to be a GREAT year full of lots of family activities!

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