October 28, 2010

Lunch ideas

A hot topic around the mommy circle is "what should I pack for my child's lunch?".  This becomes an issue for me about two weeks into school.  My creative lunch packing skills go out the window and I tend to pack the same things over and over again.  Boring!

I know that I'm not alone, so I thought I would share a few ideas. If you have other ideas, please share them so my kids don't think they have the worst lunches ever!

*Quesadilla with avocado

*Cheese and crackers (they can make mini-sandwiches with them)

*carrots and dip (ranch, hummus or whatever they prefer)

*Cut up hot dogs and ketchup

*yogurt (Squeezeable, Brown Cow, Danimals, etc)
(speaking of yogurt, this new brand which I bought at Atkinsons is a HUGE hit for me and my kids)

*Grilled cheese sandwiches cut into cool shapes via cookie cutters (Pumpkins for Halloween?)

*Apple slices with peanut butter (if your child's school allows peanut butter)

*Pizza (tastes even better if homemade)

*Mac & Cheese, Spaghetti, Soup or anything else in a thermos

*Applesauce or a fruit cup

*Cut up fruit

*Cheese sticks

*Bagel and cream cheese

Happy lunch making!

1 comment:

hillary said...

*Cheese and crackers (they can make mini-sandwiches with them) YES!! great idea...Presly always wants those 'lunchables' but I never buy them because can't understand the first 20 ingredients! I also put frozen veggies in her mac&cheese like carrorts corn, peas, heat them up. Lunch is sooooo hard, thanks for the tips! have a wonderful halloween...I can't wait to see photos! Love, hillary XO