May 5, 2010

My Sun Valley Wishlist

We have lived in the valley for 4 years and I will admit that I have yet to fully experience Sun Valley to its full extent. Please don't judge me.  I've been busy having babies and raising them, plus supporting my husband. Not financially, just cheering him on.  Do I sometimes wish I led the glamorous Sun Valley life?  You betcha!  But, I have the eye on the prize and in the mean time, am relishing in each day with my family and am enjoying the days with my young kids.

Yet, I have made a list.  We shall call lit my Sun Valley Wishlist.  Within my long lifetime, I hope to accomplish everything on this list (and so much more).  An added bonus would be to accomplish everything with my family by my side.

Have I mentioned today that I completely adore our town and think it's a beauty?  Now, on to the list!

1.  Watch the sunrise on top of Baldy.  This will probably have to take place in the summer since I like the warmth more than the cold.

2.  Rent a cabin at Redfish.

3.  Take the gondola or hike up Baldy and eat at Roundhouse, then hike down with a full, happy belly.

4.  Trail Creek---ride the horse wagon, eat there, experience it all!  (don't laugh that I haven't done it yet, remember, my little ones are still young and I still have time)

5.  Go to a summer ice skating show and partake in the buffet.  (Geez, a lot of my items have to do with food)

6.  Go horse back riding on any of our beautiful trails

7.  Park the car all summer long and just ride our bikes everywhere

8.  Stay up long enough to experience Club Zou!

9.  Sleep in a yurt.

10. Represent Sun Valley at the Mrs. Idaho Pageant

11.  Get all dressed up and go the Share Your Heart Ball.

There you have it!  My top things. I'm sure that the list will just continue to grow and grow with even more fabulous items for me to try.  That is what makes life Sun Valley so perfect for me.

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